Searching for Dark Matter with Cryogenic Liquids
Astronomers have found that 22% of the universe is composed of matter which does not absorb or emit light like normal matter. The DEAP-3600 & MiniCLEAN Collaborations are engaged in several experiments to search for this dark matter in the laboratory using the unique properties of liquid argon and neon.
To learn more about dark matter and the single phase experimental approach, see our About page. To learn more about DEAP-1 and DEAP-3600, see the Queen's University DEAP website.
News Updates
September 27, 2011
MiniCLEAN Inner Vessel becomes a sphere!
This week the MiniCLEAN Inner Vessel hemispheres were precisely welded into a single sphere at Winchester Precision Technologies (WPT) located in Winchester, NH. More info
April 11, 2011
DEAP-3600 and MiniCLEAN hold first safety reviews at SNOLAB
A first round of safety reviews were held in late March and early April to prepare for underground assembly. More info
April 5, 2011
Water Shield Tank Completed
Underground construction of the water shield tank for MiniCLEAN has been completed. More info & Photos
October 15, 2010
Machining of the MiniCLEAN Inner Vessel Starts
This week, the precision machining of the MiniCLEAN Inner Vessel started at Winchester Precision Technologies (WPT) located in Winchester, NH. More info & Photos
January 14, 2010
MiniCLEAN Outer Vessel Completed
The outer vacuum vessel for MiniCLEAN has been completed. Photos